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BSHM - Best Hotel Management Institute in Kolkata

We thanks for expressing interest in BSHM-India's leading innovation for Technical Training and Education Network. We have made the right choice in short listing BSHM -KOLKATA (India) for becoming an education entrepreneur. Education is today India's sunrise industry which promises never ending growth and earning potential along with being a respected and service oriented industry. India needs a skilled workforce of 50Cr people by the year 2030. BSHM an esteemed partner is looking for set up training center's across the country through franchises. Overs the years Employers and students alike have recognized the power of BSHM Certification for quality training and employment opportunities.

25 years of experience in the hospitality industry

BSHM started its journey in 2001 at different locations in Garia. In the year 2009, we shifted to our present location B/9 Laxmi Narayan Colony, Garia, Post - Naktala, KOLKATA-700047.

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100% of students are placed of many branches till now

Nearly 9000 students from the rural belt of West Bengal and from many small towns have completed degree and Diploma courses in hotel management still now. Apart from this, many students have completed short courses from BSHM in hotel management course. Now they are successfully established in Hospitality Industry all over India and abroad. Therefore the demand for hotel management courses is gradually increasing day by day.

Our Focus

Our key focus is to increase the level of learning with the best technical skills to the students in the hotel and hospitality Industry. That's why our students will make them highly employable in the entire Industry. We always, give first priority to practical teaching rather than theory. We make many entrepreneurship programs in the reputed hotel industry for grooming our students with their chefs.


Our programs are designed to suit individual needs and fit in with the student's backgrounds who are from rural Bengal. After completing of course successfully they will have the potential to establish themselves in the hotel and hospitality industry.


We have a team of highly qualified faculty members direct from the Hospitality Industry having the level of experience to impact the right skill sets. So that, they can teach our students professionally according to the need of the hospitality industry. All associated faculties are well-qualified in their specialized field.


From the date of our establishment, we are constantly updated with current trends and emerging ideas to understand the needs of the organization in the future. Basically, we design our syllabus according to the hospitality industry. Hence our students get sufficient practical knowledge which helps them to achieve their goals easily.

Our Registration

  • Registered Under : West Bengal Society Act xxvi of 1961 (Regd. no : S/1L/28819)
  • Registered Under : West Bengal Trust Registration Act (Regd. no : IV ? 00568/15)
  • Registered Under : MHRD(CR Act Regd. no : 53419/2014-Co/L, Govt. of India)
  • Registered Under : Indian Planning Commission (Vide Unique Id no : WB/2015/0086225)
  • Registered Under : Member of Hotel &Restaurant Association of Eastern India.
  • Registered Under : BSS (National Development Agency, Promoted by Govt. of India)
  • Registered Under : Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (NGO ID : WB/00008350 Govt. of India)
  • Registered Under : USAID, From The American People (Regd No : 13419)
  • An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
  • Associate With : Sangai International University, Manipur
  • Associate With : Sikkim Skill University, Sikkim
  • Associate with : Sikkim international University. Sikkim.

Quick Facts - Hotel Management Course in Kolkata

The hospitality industry is growing rapidly in India and abroad. Most of the hotel industry abroad prefers to hire Indian students rather than other countries because of their practical knowledge, politeness, and hardworking. So, the demand for Indian hotel management students is very high now. To keep this in mind we design our hotel management course based on the hospitality industry only. We provide hotel management courses in Kolkata for diploma and degree students. Other short-term hotel management courses are also offered to the working person for a better career. Now BSHM is one of the top hotel management colleges in Kolkata. After completion of the hotel management course, our students are capable to make their careers in the hospitality industry in India and abroad.

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